Category: Uncategorized

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Photo by Hanoch Zoref

Why Did the Judean Hills Fire Grow So Large?

The fire that broke out in the Judean Hills last summer raged in areas where extensive efforts had been made to prevent fires. So what went wrong, and how can the next big fire be prevented?
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Photo by Moon on Unsplash

Sukkot Special: It’s Up to Us Now

Sukkot reminds us of the protection God provided the Israelites as they trekked through the Sinai Desert from Egypt. But in the era of the climate crisis, what kind of protections do we have now, and how can Israel improve its own climate resiliency?
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Photo by Mark Katz on Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Ashalim Stream Still Contaminated from Disastrous Acid Spill

Monitoring program reveals that even after three years, flora and fauna of the Ashalim stream have not yet recovered from 2017 acid spill.
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Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Obésité et environnement, des liens et lesquels?

Des études scientifiques menées dans les pays occidentaux ont observé des corrélations entre l'environnement et le surpoids chez les enfants. Ces liens sont toutefois très complexes et difficiles à interpréter car ils intègrent bien souvent d’autres facteurs
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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Line Between Religion and the Environment

Is there a connection between religion and the environment? It is often thought that caring about religion does not go hand in hand with being environmentally conscious. However, religious leaders of different faiths are confronting this misconception
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Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Smartphones can be used to predict forest fires

The key to preparing well ahead of the next fire could be in our pocket, say Israeli researchers
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Photo by Shai Pal on Unsplash

Transition énergétique: Israël peut et doit mieux faire

Israël s'était engagé à fournir 10% de son électricité grâce aux énergies renouvelables d'ici 2020, date fixée dans le cadre de l'Accord de Paris. Un pari ambitieux et qui semble hors d'atteinte aujourd’hui quand seule 5% de l’électricité est générée par des énergies propres.
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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Climat: Appel des scientifiques aux élus de la start up nation

Les scientifiques israéliens ont lancé, à l’initiative de la Société israélienne des Sciences de l’Environnement et de l’Ecologie, une pétition interpellant leur gouvernement et les citoyens à prendre des mesures significatives pour lutter contre les changements climatiques dont “les effets sur le terrain sont déjà visibles et nocifs”.
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Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Ten Percent Green Electricity for Israel in 2020?

According to Israel’s energy commitments, ten percent of its electricity will be supplied by renewable energy sources in 2020. How close is Israel to meeting this goal, and how does it match up with other nations in the world?
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Photo by Shai Pal on Unsplash

Israeli scientists call on policymakers to act on climate change

Coinciding with the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, Israeli scientists issued a large-scale petition urging their government to take radical action against climate change. “Climate change is happening here and now, and its effects are clear and palpable,” the experts say

